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The future of dermatology is here

and we are here to help you navigate it

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About Dermanalytica

It began with a simple question : how can we tap into the best of digital health to make dermatology more ethical , effective and empathetic?

Founded by dermatologist-entrepreneur Dr. Monisha Madhumita, who leveraged her expertise in academic dermatology and digital health technologies to create a brand new standard for Virtual-First Dermatology care – we are on a mission to revolutionize the field of skin health care where each patient is an active partner in their care and each voice matters.

We are an inspired team of technologists, ethicists and healthcare leaders with a vision to shake up dermatology and make skin health an inclusive reality.

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Our Best Work

Gradient that fades to transparency

Inegrating immersive VR x dermatology

Gradient that fades to transparency
Gradient that fades to transparency

Tapping into personalised nutrition in dermatology

Gradient that fades to transparency

Developed a state-of-the-art PROM & PREM monitoring interface

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Meeting your dermatologist in the metaverse

While the metaverse holds promise to revolutionise all aspects of reality as we know it, there's a tremednous scaope to tap into the best of metaverse possibilities to enhance the immersiveness of teledermatological consults.

We also explore using VR as tools to provide more effective and empathetic care for patients with skin diseases.

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We can fight skin disease with food.

Precision nutrition brings you closer to your skin and overall health

What if we can personalise your specific intake to prevent or treat chronic diseases based on a your unique characteristics like DNA, gender, health history, and lifestyle habits. That is precisely what we are doing specifically in the field of dermatology.


Here's current evidence

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As a patient you know your skin disease the best.

Cuticheck helps you communicate your experiences of the disease and monitor the progress with treatment.

We help you work together with your doctor over time to reach closer to the goal of skin health by harnessing technology in your fingertips

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Get in touch.

We would love a chat!

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Dr Monisha Madhumita

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2022 Dermanalytica

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